Launch of new poster series - PROUDLY JEWISH

            Website Home Page makeover


Meet the New Series



We are thrilled to announce the release of the new Voices & Visions poster series 
Proudly Jewish - a six-poster set that "exemplifies the values and ideas that Judaism teaches."
This series is a gift from our founders Harold Grinspoon and Diane Troderman, who are excited to share it: 


"As we look over the quotes in this Proudly Jewish series we realize we have in essence created an operating manual for the 21st century. Harold and I have learned over the years that Judaism's wisdom tradition has much to teach us with regard to building relationships and living a life filled with purpose. These posters hopefully reinforce that premise."


"A Jew is asked to take a leap of action rather than a leap of faith."

-Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel

designer: Ofra Amit



Gallery and More
  • VIEW the Proudly Jewish gallery -  

  • EXPLORE educational materials, including commentaries, discussion questions, and background information on the authors and artists 

Complimentary Set

Posters in Action

How are you #ProudlyJewish?
  • SHARE the inspiration.  How are you #ProudlyJewishPut your Proudly Jewish message on FACEBOOK or TWITTER, or post your Proudly Jewish picture on INSTAGRAM or PINTEREST. Don't forget to use the hashtag #ProudlyJewish.





"Judaism is about sanctifying life."  

- Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks

designer: Ilene Winn-Lederer








 "I am blessed to be a voyager on an ancient pathway."  

- Rabbi Rachel Cowan

designer: Arnold Schwartzman





Website Home Page Gets a Makeover



Enjoy the clean visual presentation of the updated Website Home Page. The look and feel makes it easier for you to discover what's new with Voices & Visions, and connect to a growing community of organizations using the posters for education and engagement.


Come to the site to check out what makes people #ProudlyJewish - and share your own message.